Pastel "is both a drawing and a painting medium" (Harrison, Pastel School). I work with chalk pastels, not oil pastels. Intense color is easily possible with pastels, and you will see that this is a feature of my pastel paintings.
Meandering Stream
Pastel Landscape
photograph by
Tree on a Hill
The Sky is Orange
photograph by
In October, I took a three-day pastel class with Doug Dawson at Eden Compton's studio in Saratoga Springs, NY. We used a limited palette for our work. Here are two of my pieces painted during the workshop.
Tree with Dappled Sunlight
Purple Sunset
Still Life: Lemons
Reference photo by Alain PicardÂ
In August 2024, I took a four-day workshop with Alain Picard at the Connecticut River Valley Inn in lovely Glastonbury, CT. My goal was to become freer in my pastel painting and to learn how mark-making would assist me in my quest. This painting of lemons is the last of four works I completed during the workshop, and I am pleased with my progress towards my goal.
A Gallop Through Snow
We painted horses in a class with Theresa Somaio, in honor of the Saratoga season. I didn't want to. But I think it came out rather well!
Plum and Peach
A small study done in connection with an online class by Mary Pritchard.